Well, my stress level was through the roof, so I did what any rational woman would do, I got a facial and a massage. It was awesome, so thank you Impressions Hair Salon and Spa Serene in Douglasville. Anywho, prior to my move back to Louisiana, I prayed to God. Well, he answered and he delivered. As stated in an earlier post, Caleb and I drove (I actually drove) to Baton Rouge for my job interview with BREC. From the time we left Atlanta until the time we arrived in Baton Rouge, there was a tornado watch. During our visit, I managed to get sometime with the future hubby, unpack a few belongings, eat crawfish and see my cousin/future neighbor Dee!
After a few weeks, I was offered the position of Horticulture Manager for BREC! All praises to the Man above. This makes the transition a million times easier and I'm now officially ready for our Exodus of Atlanta, somewhat. lol