The saddest part of modern day marriages is that most folks go in with the attitude, "If it doesn't work, I can always get a divorce." If that's how you're starting off your marriage, is it something you should be doing in the first place? We have all attended a wedding knowing that it was a just a matter of time before things became a disaster. These days, most folks focus on the
wedding and not the
marriage. The pastor clearly states, "till death do us part." I think folks ignore that part and daze into how the reception hall's decorations will look. The reason for the high divorce rates are because folks get married for all the wrong reasons and the little things that are a problem prior to the marriage become massive after the wedding. We need to address these issues prior and deal with them becuase if a person doesn't know what drives you crazy, why would they stop? To keep as much peace in my marriage as possible, I have come up with a few rules of my own...
1. I don't have to fight every battle. Pick them and pick them carefully.
2. If we are in battle, I don't always have to win.
3. Communicate the issue and try to resolve as quickly and civil as possible.
4. Selective hearing will get me very far. Sometimes ignoring is the best resolution.
5. Live by the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
I know that everyday isn't going to be flowerbeds of ease and I'm praying that our road won't be too long and/or too hard. Our plan is to keep God in the forefront and pray without ceasing. The problem is two completely different people are coming together to create a life together, which is a major issue within itself. Say a prayer for us!
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