My mom is visiting and I am really enjoying her company. I think she wants to help me pack, but I suffer from OCD (at least that's what my cousin Kendra says). I have to know where everything is, my boxes are labeled and they are categorized by rooms. Is that a little off? Anywho, my tiredness has finally caught up with me. After partying with the fiance last week, my mom's visit came right behind that. I think after the non sleep/nightmarish Friday night and waking early on Sunday morning for church, my Mother's Day was a blurrrrrr.

We went to 8am service and it was wonderful. Pastor spoke on giving honor where honor is due. Everything was going fine. Our plans for the day included a few visits, passing through Walmart and then I was going to grill some steaks and boil some crablegs for dinner. However, those plans all went to hell in a handbasket as soon as I finished my breakfast from IHOP. I proceeded to put on my pajamas and I pretty much sat on the corner of my sofa all day. I literally couldn't move.
There is only one way to solve this problem and that is to go to the spa. I made an appointment today and I am looking forward to it.
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