Greetings, wow, 2 posts in the same week! I just can't get enough rest. Since I've gotten my wedding jewelry, I've slept a lot better, but I just haven't gotten enough. Anywho, I've taken off the next 2 days to hang out with my mom and do some packing. My mom finally ignored my OCD and cleaned out all my cabinets, told me to use the same plate and dared me to use my dishwasher. Hmmmmmm... she's got a point. I'm the type of person who wants to do everything. I have a Super Girl shirt in my drawer, but it's not working anymore, I'm done! I will pack up all access and live off of 8 towels and 3 plates. LOL
Anywho, I'm heading to the spa tomorrow with my mom. Tomorrow evening consists of shopping for my shoes and I will continue to check out invitations. The Things to Do List is getting shorter, but there isn't one thing on there that says sleep. Hmph!
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